Sunday, November 8, 2009

One Life: Two Worlds

Monday, January 19, 2009 at 8:59pm

I live a life in two different worlds, and they are slowly but inexorably on a path of collision. On the one hand, I am fully committed to my training and traveling while on the other I am completely absorbed with social relationships and the nightlife experience. These two lifestyles have become mutually exclusive because I refuse to settle for less than absolute dedication to the former and cannot fully enjoy the latter without a sacrifice that would negatively affect who I am.

Adapted from "No Handlebars" by Flobots. And exaggerated for dramatic effect. ;)


I can't lead two lives without losing some,
Without losing some,
Without losing some.
I can't lead two lives so I'm choosing one,
I'm choosing one,
I'm choosing one.

Look at me, look at me feet on the ground like it's good to be alive,
I'm an endurance athlete even when my body's all crookedy.
I can show you how to run forever,
I can show you how to say no to never.
I can take apart a triathlon bike,
But I can almost put it back together.
I can swim laps from noon to night,
I can teach you how to shine with might.
I know all the words to "Eye of the Tiger"
And "We are the Champions".
Me and myself used to weigh a ton,
Me and myself have the world to run.
And guess how long it will take,
I can do anything that I want cuz, wait:

I can keep running with no headphones on,
No headphones on,
No headphones on.

And I can see your face in the stars above,
In the stars above,
In the stars above.

Look at me, look at me, just stopped to say that it's good to be alive, in Miami
All decked out with the girls to see.
I can spend money make it rain at nightclubs,
I can make a memory with you in hot tubs.
I can create and design a story
You believe before you even down the Forty.
I can make new friends in just a minute,
I can make my wallet survive these economic conditions.
I know how to play this business,
And I can make you wanna buy what this is.
Dancers, drinkers and the drivers,
Me and myself understand the future
I see the strings that control the nightlife,
I can do anything without a girl-wife.

Cuz I can lead a girl on with a smile-and-nod,
With a smile-and-nod,
With a smile-and-nod.

But I can't split the atoms of my life no-more,
Of my life no-more,
Of my life no-more.

Look at me, look at me, running and I won't stop,
And it feels so good to be alive and on top.
My travels are global, my honor secure.
My causes are noble, my power is pure.

I can hand out a million great quotations,
Or leave them hanging in exasperation.
Have 'em all healed of their vacillations,
Or have 'em all hurt by the player-nation.

I can lift anybody from beneath the trample,
Just because I lead by example.
And I can do anything with no restrictions,
I do it all as part of my mission, cuz:
I can show you a life without being trite,
Without being trite,
Without being trite.
And I can set ambitions well within your hope,
Well within your hope,
Well within your hope.
And I can save a life just through sacrifice,
just through sacrifice, just through sacrifice,
just through sacrifice, just through sacrifice,
just through sacrifice, just my sacrifice!

I can't lead two lives without losing some,
Without losing some,
Without losing some.

I can't lead two lives so I'm choosing one,
I'm choosing one,
I'm choosing one...


Welcome to my life...

I wake up every morning at 4 a.m. I shower, eat, dress and walk out the door before the sun comes up. With my bike. I ride to work and change. Into my running clothes. I run for 5 miles and then stretch out before showering at my gym and going into work. I teach for seven hours on my feet and then take relaxing breath at 2:30. I change back into my running clothes. I run for another 5 miles and then ride my bike home to shower, eat and relax. I read a book for an hour or so and go to sleep around 8 p.m. Weekends are no different. I just exercise for longer periods of time. I'm up with the sun and out the door before most people start breakfast. I eat 5,000 calories a day according to a very structured diet of 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fat. I run around 70 miles a week, cycle for 100 miles, and swim for 6 on any given week. I travel both locally and internationally to compete in races. Triathlons, marathons, sprints, Ultras; they're all amazing experiences. I do things and see places that most people will never be able to comprehend. It's an incredible life. A lonely life.

The Way of Walking the Lonely Road

* Do not turn your back on the Ways of the world.

* Do not scheme for your own pleasure.

* Do not rely on anything but the Way or anyone but yourself .

* Consider yourself lightly. Consider the world deeply.

* Do not think of the world in terms of acquisition.

* Do not regret. Ever.

* Do not envy the good or evil in others.

* Do not lament the parting of souls on any road, whatsoever.

* Do not be inflexible like the Oak, but rather bend with change as the Willow on the wind.

* Do not harbor false hope of a permanent home.

* Do not hold an unhealthy liking for luxuries and eccentricities.

* Do not withhold your strength from helping those in need.

* Do not be intent on possessing valuables at an old age to sacrifice the here and now.

* While walking the Way, never fear or begrudge death.

* Though you may give up your life, never give up your honor.

* Never depart from the Way of the Warrior.

Welcome to my other life...

I wake up every morning around 6:30 a.m., exhausted, and hit the shower. I head in to work, teach a full day and go home to take a nap. I sleep for a few hours to recharge my batteries before I go for a long run. Finally fully awake, I shower and get ready for a night on the town. The night starts around 9 p.m. and usually ends up with me walking back home around 3 in the morning. I meet people, make friends and have a full social life. I go to clubs, bars, lounges...they're all fun experiences. I country line dance into a rueda salsa and finish up with some techno. At the end of the night, the fun experiences I have replay through my head as I collapse exhausted into my bed. The temporary happiness I get from these casual encounters fade away with the rising sun, and I'm not quite sure what lasting meaning I receive from living this life. I keep telling myself I'm trying to meet someone of quality who is worth it.

"So here's to the the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them. Disagree with them. Glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

So goodbye late nights. Goodbye to distractions. Goodbye to everything that never really served me in the first place. Goodbye.

Welcome to my life...


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