Sunday, November 8, 2009

Death of a Hero...A Tribute to Superman

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 5:01pm

I have spent a lot of time putting this note together but have not had the opportunity to work on it in a few weeks. I would like to take you on a metaphorical journey through the heart and soul of a society's struggle for belief, honesty and identity.

Superman may possess an array of impressive powers but even the Man of Steel has a tough time surviving in our cynical world. Created in a time of black and white, good and evil, the boundaries have spilled over into shades of gray that encompass every aspect of our society. No one has suffered more from this change than Superman. No longer easily discernible between right and wrong, the first superhero to stand for truth, justice and the American way is the first to fall...but to what? How could someone so strong of body and pure of heart meet succumb to such a fate?

In 1992 DC comics brought this monumental struggle to the fore by introducing a villain of unparalleled power and destruction: Doomsday. Named by the Man of Tomorrow himself, Doomsday represented more than just some unstoppable evil juggernaut; he was the antithesis of Superman. Where Superman cherished life and brought hope Doomsday offered only death and destruction. Released as the first issue in January 1993, Superman fought Doomsday with every ounce of his strength. Ultimately, he made the greatest sacrifice in offering his life to protect the people he loved: the innocent.

Superman is intricately tied with the moral values we honor as a society. As a cultural icon of the American people it is only natural that his story change to reflect the evolution of our own perceptions of these values.

Many look at Superman as some idealistic illusion. Living a life of noble sacrifice and selfless service his actions are viewed as unrealistic and the rhetoric he spouts nothing more than propaganda issued by the powers behind the symbolism of Superman.

Too perfect a character, people lost interest in Superman and the virtues he represented. Little if anything can be done to counteract this common perception. What makes Superman such a unique individual is not his seemingly limitless power, but rather his choice to do good with that power. His power is a part of him, intricately intertwined with his identity. It is not a creation of his wealth or the consequence of an accident; instead he is put in this singly unique position and it is his choice that defines him. His human upbringing shapes him into a man that wants to help others. A man who believes in the right of his actions. In doing so Superman shows that power does corrupt, and absolute power can corrupt absolutely; but not all men.

To think that we have seen him rescue countless people in otherwise miraculous feats and still be able to say that Superman’s potential has never been fully realized is something substantial to consider. His is such a deep story. It is the tale of what a single person is possible of achieving with the gifts they are given on an awe inspiring scale. These are the times when limits, imagination and the impossible, have no boundaries. Superman is such a case - to give in to the wonders of believing a man can fly and yet having to choose which of the cries for help he should serve first is the beginning of a great story and the basis for inspiring tales of heroism and courage.

Ultimately, it was neither unstoppable villain nor the ever-dangerous kryptonite that did the Blue Boyscout in, but rather a death from within. Superman died because we no longer believed in him. Having emerged from the Second World War as triumphant victors in an epic struggle against the evils of fascism, the following half-century saw a nation fracture and collapse upon itself. Prolonged conflicts in Vietnam and elsewhere called into question America's military might. Assassinations, military coups and an increasingly distant and secretive government made citizens doubt America's political right. It is with sardonic humor that I note the timing of Superman's death with the end of the Cold War. The changing nature of our society is a topic for another time, but I will comment on it in terms of Superman's death. The villain Doomsday was not some titanic force of evil as portrayed in the comics or on television, but rather the physical manifestation of an idea. Violence, hatred, greed, fear, and distrust are but a few of the words that power Doomsday. Look at the symbolism and it is clear: Superman died because we no longer appreciated who he was and what he stood for.

And so I leave you with a Requiem for the death of a hero. A tribute to Superman. Perhaps lost, but never forgotten...

Superman is Condemned

Many times people would level false charges against Superman. He wasn't always there to save the day. He played favorites. His mere presence brought levels of destruction and evil that would otherwise never have occurred. Superman wasn't real they said, and he spoke not a word in his own defense. And so the critics clamored for his demise.

"The world was taking Superman for granted, so we literally said 'let's show what the world would be like without Superman'."

So Superman was condemned to death.

Even when you were misunderstood you silently forgave us, but so often we responded in anger.
We had the choice to save you, but we have fallen from grace, and demanded your death.

Superman Receives his Burden

Superman was scourged. He fought and bled and struggled until his symbolic garments were shredded and bathed in his own blood. Naked, you came into the world; naked you leave it. Vulnerable and exposed, not a superman, but a man. And yet you were the same. Unchanged. The symbols may be stripped away, but within you lies the same strength, the same love you showed to so many. A single trail of tears fell upon his face in mockery of the grief and loss that should have been shared by so many. Then they placed him in a casket and brought him to the place where he would lie.

Superman, you were mocked and betrayed. You did not deserve the suffering you endured but endured nonetheless for our sake. Thank you. Thank you for standing when no one would rise. Thank you for falling when no one would dare.

Superman Falls

Despite his vaunted strength, even Superman could fall. The power of Kryptonite. The relentless assault of Doomsday. The ever-present burdens of watching the night, of holding the line, of staying the course.

Knowing the consequences, Superman embraced his burden, placing it upon his shoulders to bear for all the world. Sagging down with the weight of fatigue of constant struggle a fiery pain shot along his arms and legs to explode with excruciating pain in his mind. Yet he would not break. Superman poured all of his strength and indeed his life energy itself into a blow so powerful that he destroyed this manifestation of evil and darkness. But not without great cost. In his desperate act Superman gave up his own life to protect those he cared so much about.

His spirit was willing, but our faith was weak. Our faith is still weak. We shy away from the weight of your burden, refusing to bear witness to your deeds. Everything you did was meant to inspire us to better ourselves, and for that we should be forever thankful. May we find inspiration in your ultimate sacrifice.

Superman sees Lois Watching with Despair

In your struggle for our safety you looked upon Lois and saw the anguish in her eyes. And yet despite your desire you could not stop to comfort her or to share your emotions with her. All of your energy was directed at saving us from the evil you stood against. You left the small farm in Kansas to fulfill your destiny as our protector, and you left your love to die in the same role. Through your example we can share the pain involved in choosing what is right even if it causes pain to those who care for us. May we find truth in your actions that they may be not suffered in vain.

Lois cradles the shell of Superman

Compassion. Lois holds your broken body tightly as tears stream down her cheeks to fall lightly upon your face. Though you cannot feel the outpouring of love she has for you, rest easily knowing that you were loved. Your choices in life and your actions inspired others. They instilled a sense of pride and stirred emotions deep within those who truly knew you. Know that there can be no greater reward in life.

The Legacy of Superman

You have shown us how to make the right choice. You have shown us how to make the hard choice. Should we choose to partake of the cause we will become tired; we will become weak. Only later will we recognize the fulfillment and privilege in shouldering the burden of fighting for right. In so doing it may be that we are filled with an inner light that shines through with compassion and empathy for those around us. A burning, life-changing love. The same light that shone within you.

Superman Falls for the Last Time

We ask if this struggle will ever end and feel hope slip away as the timeless conflict wages on. Many did not realize the answer: For ever; until the never-ending road is ended; until the impossible is completed, until the unbearable is borne through all of eternity. Often we fall and are tempted not to rise again. Often we fall to the laughter of those who doubt, who criticize, who hold bitterness in their hearts and no longer believe. When all is dark, and hope is gone, it is hard for us to have faith. We did not know the costs would so great. We did not know the sacrifices we would have to make, but we endure. We ask for the strength to fulfill our promises. We firmly resolve to go on:

For the sake of my children. My sons. My daughters. My loved ones. My bride. My people. I must go on. I will go on. I must not, cannot, give up now. The Way of sorrows, the Way of pain, the Way of self-renunciation, the Way of my burden.

So go tell a friend or passerby:
That here, forever, will a hero lie.

Farewell Superman.


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