Sunday, November 8, 2009

Always the Hopeless Romantic

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 8:43pm

He stood there at the forest's edge watching her enter the city gates surrounded by royal escort. Under the pine-scented branches the moonlight cast shadows across his face. Part of him wanted to cry out to her and warn her of the darkness that had engulfed her home for so many years. Shaking his head, the thought faded as soon as it was formed. There was too much at risk. Too many dangers. Especially to her. Unconsciously his hand drifted toward his left cheek. To the scar that always brought him back to the promises made on a cold winter day so many years ago...

Even if the distance is vast...
Or the struggle great.
Even if I did not know where to search...
Or know how to start.
Even if the road ahead is blocked...
Or I can no longer walk.
Even if every bone in my body shatters...
Or if everyone tells me otherwise.
Even if you don't want me to...
Or will hate me for doing so.

I will save you...
Because no one else can warm my soul, fire my heart, or light my life.
I will save you.

"Take the strongest us. The most hardened of men. At the core of each of us is a boy with a wounded heart. A broken dream. We build walls around our emotions to keep from facing the truth. To keep us protected against ever having to experience that kind of pain ever again. Yet no matter how far we run, no matter how much we do to forget there is no salvation in denial. When the end comes and it is time to face the decisions we make in life it is only by embracing love that we can find peace in our hearts. Never be afraid to live."

...I just felt like writing something. I hope you enjoy it. :)


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