Sunday, November 8, 2009

2008: The Year of Change

Friday, January 9, 2009 at 9:34pm

So last year I wrote about how quickly my life had changed in the span of a short year. I know this is a little late but I wanted to make sure I got it in. In 2007 I basically recreated my identity and redefined who I wanted to be as a person. The year of 2008 was in many ways similar: I continued to grow as a new individual with a completely separate and unique outlook on life. However, this past year also bore witness to a great number of changes in who I am as well. Some of them have been very good. Others, I have yet to pass judgment on despite trying to see them in a constructive light.

So I will begin my discussion of the new year in 2008 as I did the year before it. One overarching principle: Be happy. Three fundamental rules: No shame. No fear. No regret. A deep rooted conviction in pushing myself to new limits and a pledge to live as spontaneously as possible.

"It was the year of fire. It was the year of destruction. The year we took back what was ours. It was the year of rebirth. The year of great sadness. The year of pain. And the year of joy. It was a new age. It was the end of history. It was the year, everything changed." - J. Michael Straczynski

I reflect upon 2008, the "Year of Change" and see so many incredible things. I ran a marathon with a hematoma in my right thigh and quadricep. I ran a 50 mile ultramarathon with two torn ligaments in my left ankle. I ran a 100 mile ultramarathon. Period. I competed in a triathlon with stingray barbs in my right foot. I competed in an IronMan with stingray barbs in my foot. It's been truly amazing.

I continued my crazy streak of spontaneous things. I ran across the Golden Gate bridge. I went skydiving. I picked up scuba diving. A night of martinis and jungle swings in Colorado. I traveled across much of Europe. A late-night walk through the streets of Prague and no clue where to go. I picked up beer in Germany. I picked up wine in Italy. A barefoot sprint across gravel and rock in Sanibel. Climbing up trees for coconuts and then strawberries with champagne.

This second year of my rebirth has been so tremendous. I can honestly say that never have I experienced so much in one year. 2008 was about successfully growing into the changes that I underwent, and that is something I have definitely done. For most of 2008 I walked the Way and hope to continue that path into my future. Strip away all of the accomplishments, the countless hours of training, the cherished memories, and I go back to that one single principle that is the core of my life: Be happy. That foundation for my life is protected by those three simple rules: No shame, no fear, no regret.

The dawn has brought a new year in 2009 and with it a new age full of potential and possibilities. A new era that will present as many opportunities and memories as I am willing to make. 2009: a year of trials where my lifestyle will be challenged. Can I keep it up? Is it possible for me to continue climbing the ever-steepening hill? I believe in myself that I can, which makes all the difference. A new year with the chance to forge my own path along the road.


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