Sunday, November 8, 2009

Warrior of Light

Friday, June 19, 2009 at 10:41pm

The past week has shown me another world beyond that which I have known. A new adventure, with a culture and language unlike any I had previously encountered. Beyond that, though, was a strange sensation that I have rarely experienced but have learned not to ignore. It`s almost as if there were something important lying just beyond the edges of my peripheral vision, or a thought that exists in me but I cannot grasp it within my mind. Glimpsed only in moments of epiphany and revelation, they illuminate the Darkness.

I had a dream where I was surrounded by total Darkness. Unable to see myself in the depths of a total abyss, I was alone. Lost and afraid, I cast about aimlessly in search of something, anything, to help me escape. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, I discovered the Other. When surrounded by complete Darkness anything that cast a light would have to be called brilliant. Seemingly far in the distance, I made my way toward this bright light. Shining like a white star, I staggered toward the pale glow as if grasping for salvation itself. The nearer I came toward the light, however, the more I found myself in doubt. Bathed in this glorious light, I found myself...cold. I was surrounded by light, and yet felt no better than when I had been surrounded by darkness.

Sinking into the depths of Despair once more, I found myself anguishing in the pain of utter emptiness. Yet, deep within the Void of nothingness, I found yet Another. So deep within myself that there seemed no distinction between that and the Darkness, was a small flame. Unlike the pale, brilliant light that I had seen from afar, this was a small and pitiful thing. Casting a harsh illumination against the black of Night, Shadows surrounded the fire. Yet even from a distance, I could feel the warmth that lapped against my skin like the softest brush of fingertips across flesh. Folding in upon myself, I realized that this flame was not just located within me; it was me. Sparked by a single emotion, I began to feed all of myself to this single flame. All of my despair, the anguish I had felt, everything. Not only did I find myself closer to the flame, but it began to feed off of my emotions, fighting back the Darkness. Unshed tears began to stream down my face, until even they were burned away by the flame. Within me and before me was a flame so hot that it seared skin and boiled blood, yet still I embraced it. With the pain came a cleansing fire that purged me of everything I had known in the Darkness. Standing within the roiling flames, they licked at the Shadows and fought back the Darkness until I stood within the center of an inferno.

The pale light still called to me from afar, but I no longer heeded its deceiving call. A cold, pallid light that left emptiness inside was a pale imitation of this life-giving fire. And so I stood alone, an orb of encased heat and light standing sentinel. A bulwark against the Darkness, and a beacon of warmth in the cold emptiness of Night.

Now, I didn`t really have a dream exactly like that, but I did have a dream that I built upon into the recreation I have depicted above.


There is some comfort in the emptiness of nothing; no past, no future.

So I call upon you to be the fire which resolutely stands before the Darkness,
Which won't be diverted from its purpose, no matter how difficult the path may be.
A flame that does not falter, nor does it fear the endless Night.
For even if it takes years, the flame will not falter.

And if your will sleeps I call upon you to wake it again,
Because inside of everyone of us is a Warrior.
Whose courage is like a sword,
And whose biggest weapon lies within our own heart.

So let us stand together now,
Rise and find each other now,
To all the warriors of light
To all our enemies we fight.
Wherver you may be this day,
You're wanted here,
So come and say:
To all the warriors of light
Standing true and shining bright,
This goes to all the warriors of light.

Do not fear your weaknesses,
But turn them into your strength.
Never fear to admit your mistakes
Be deliberate in your spoken word,
And free from worry and doubt.

Don't let yourself be led astray,
Don't let yourself be stunned dazed.
Learn to forgive and learn to forget
Learn to serve, and serve to learn.

So let us stand together now,
Rise and find each other now,
To all the warriors of light
To all our enemies we fight.
Wherver you may be this day,
You're wanted here,
So come and say:
To all the warriors of light
Standing true and shining bright,
This goes to all the warriors of light.

And though the world will impose its limits
We will rise above them; go beyond them.
Our power is our faith; the unwavering belief in the impossible.
Fight for nothing, and for everyone,
This, is why we are warriors.


Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.

Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.

Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not theirs.

Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons. Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, lost faith in themself.

Every Warrior of the Light has failed in their duties.

Every Warrior of the Light has said 'yes' when they wanted to say 'no.'

Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone they loved.

That is why they are a Warrior of the Light, because they have been through all this and yet have never lost hope of being better than they are.

A warrior of light knows that they will hear an order in the silence of their heart which will guide them.

With regards to a person`s destiny, I believe we do what we can, until our destiny is revealed to us.

Enjoy...more to come later. Aragato daimasu!


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