Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hema-what? Proving a point...honoring a promise.

Originally written on Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 8:51pm

I felt like writing something and this was on my mind earlier during the marathon in Disney World today so here goes...

So on December 27th I seriously injured myself in a freak accident and for two weeks was unable to do any kind of training whatsoever. I spent four days on my back screaming into a towel for 90 minutes as the muscles in my right leg were torn apart from the calcification and blood clotting from the hematoma I received in the accident. For each of those four days I pushed my friend to push me: to take me to the threshold because I needed to be ready to run in the Disney marathon on January 13th.

Why? It had nothing to do with wanting to run in the race. Far from it. I am very competitive in most things that I do and I did not want to embarrass myself with a poor showing at a race I was not properly ready for.

I did it for two reasons. First, I ran the Disney marathon because I had to. I made a promise to someone. They don't even know I made the promise. I promised I was going to run the race for them, finish it and give them the medal because of how much it meant to them. Of course...this person is incredibly stubborn (:p) and won't give up until they figure out the secret, but there it is.

The second reason ties in to the first. I had to run the race. How could I let something as insignificant as pain and opposition stop me from overcoming adversity. The person I ran the race for has overcome so much in their much more than I can ever possibly imagine coming close to. So I had not run for a little over two weeks. So I could not even properly stretch out my muscles before running. So I probably aggravated my injury and prolonged the recovery process. So I let my stubborn nature dictate my actions...again. :)

So was it worth it? Absolutely. Why was it worth it? Because everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that. We make so many decisions on a daily basis and sometimes we don't even realize how important the most insignificant choice may come back to affect our lives weeks, months or even years down the road. Why was it worth it? Because I overcame adversity. I made a conscious choice that I would not allow my circumstances to dictate my course of action. I triumphed when all that was expected was failure. Why was it worth it? Because I fulfilled my promise. That above all else succored me through the most acute pain I felt while running today.

My running the Disney marathon is dedicated to Alyssa "Smurf" Exposito. An amazing friend, an incredible young girl, and a true inspiration in my life. This one was all for you Smurf. I know you can accomplish anything in your life as long as you stay committed, and I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.


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