Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Midsummer Night's Dream: Training over the Summer

Originally written on Sunday, August 26, 2007 at 4:00pm

Well, with school in full swing my training has definitely been forced into a much more awkward schedule. I find myself thinking about getting in a run during lunch at school...but I enjoy the company of my department too much. Coaching is such a fulfilling experience for me, so I wouldn't give that up...mostly it's been sleep that has had to make a sacrifice. Oh how I long for the days of summer. There's really nothing to compare with waking up late (hey, 8 am is late for me) and not having to worry about anything but getting in two workouts in the day.

So the triathlon trilogy has been a pretty good way for me to measure my progress over the course of the least to a certain extent. It was definitely hard with this last triathlon being at the end of the first week of school. I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while, and I know that I'm going to physically burn myself out unless I find a way to make everything fit into a 24 hour day. I have a splitting headache and it's progressively gotten worse since Wednesday. If anyone has any suggestions on sleeping (I won't take drugs for it) please toss them my way.

Well here's how I stacked up in the three in June, July and the most recent one today.

Swim - T1 - Bike - T2 - Run - Total - Overall
0:08:24 1:36 0:28:48 0:55 0:20:17 1:00:00.211 103

0:07:05 2:50 0:27:46 0:38 0:19:55 0:58:14.356 53

0:07:05 2:54 0:26:13 0:39 0:19:13 0:56:04.068 35

Not too bad considering...although I really have to find a way to get that first transition time down under 2 makes no sense, but somehow I was in there for 3 minutes.


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