Sunday, September 7, 2008

There's no such Thing as an 'off' Day

Originally written Saturday, March 31, 2007 at 3:54am was a somewhat busy day. The last day before my "spring break", it was kind of busy with me trying to get a bunch of stuff done so I could actually enjoy my week off.

My day started off pretty much the same as any other. I woke up, ate breakfast, showered, did some light weightlifting, stretches, then abdominal exercises. I got dressed, went to work, etc. After school was very different then the norm for me. Normally on Friday's I'll go for a light run (3.1 miles) and a long bike ride (working up to 75 miles soon I hope). Instead, I ended up going out for drinks with some friends after work. Whiskey + gingerale, White Russian, Amaretto sour, and some sort of combination between Stoli vanilla and a Shirley Temple.

Anyways, all good stuff, but I still had no time to get my workout in. I ended up going back to work for Senior night with the softball team. Great fun, bunch of nice kids, got to talk with a couple coworker friends, etc. I go home and do my evening light weightlifting, stretches and abdominal exercises and get ready to go run...and then I get a phone call. A couple friends of some friends are in town and the plan is to head out to dinner.

So, no time to workout. I hop in the shower, change, and I'm out the door again. 2 shots of sake, one Southside sling (plum wine and sake), one bottle of raspberry wine + sake and some good General Tso's chicken (even lightly fried food gives me an upset stomach now :(...meh) Of course the post-dinner plan is to head back to a friend's apartment to....yes, drink some more, and then head out for the night. 2 more shots of some God awful concoction of 5 different liquers that should never...ever be mixed together. Out the door to downtown (midtown would have been so much better). The night scene turns out flat, head home, relax a bit with the brother etc. then go back out to pick up some friends who weren't feeling the club either.

Hang out at the apartment for a bit and then I head this time it's 2:35 in the morning. But...I still haven't gotten in a workout. So of course, I change back into my running clothes and run a quick 5k. Nothing too intense, since I have my long runs scheduled every Saturday (18.2 miles for this week). Get back home vowing never again to consume any fried foods or that much sake and wine again knowing I still have to run later in the evening. Well, I'm off to stretch, shower, and go to sleep so I can wake up by 8 a.m. feeling miserably exhausted and run down those miles.

No real reason for me to post this other than I wanted to share it with someone...and I don't have anyone to share it with :)
And also because several people have told me that I push myself too hard and that I need to take days off...well, there is no such thing as an "off" day for me. Sorry :p

Here are some inspirational quotes I use to help motivate myself. I hope that you may either find meaning in the following words...or at least get a kick out of knowing how sappy I am :) Cheers.

"While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it."

"Quitters never win. Winners never quit. But those who never win AND never quit are idiots." (I love this one)

"Commitment: Determination is often the first chapter in the book of excellence."

"Drive: Welcome the chores that make you go beyond yourself." (Most often repeated in my head.)

"If you are not living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space."

"The block of granite which was an obstacle on the path of the weak, becomes a stepping stone in the path of the strong."

"Perseverence: It is to the one who endures that the final victory comes."

"In matters of style, swim with the currents. In matters of principle, stand like a rock." -Thomas Jefferson (Just love this as a general rule.)

"Risk: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." -André Gide (Especially on those long, open water swims.)

"Strength: The process of directing one's scattered forces into one powerful channel." (I just find that this particular quote resonates with my personality.)

"The nerve that does not relax, the thought that will not wander, the purpose that never waivers - these are the masters of victory."


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