Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Educational Philosophy...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:18pm

Why Do I Teach?

Parents… Students… Teachers…
Too often we are scared.
Scared of what we might not be able to do.
Scared of what people might think if we tried.
We let our fears stand in the way of our hopes.
We say no when we want to say yes.
We sit quietly when we want to speak up.
And we shout when we should keep silent.
After all, we only get one chance. One opportunity.
There's really no time in life to be afraid.
We cannot afford that luxury.
So stop. Listen. Act.
Try something you've never dared but have always wanted.
Take a chance. Gamble on hope. Think big. Go outside the box.
My educational philosophy is simple.
Challenge yourself.
Intellectually, academically, physically, philosophically...
In the real word,
there are two kinds of people: those who talk, and those who act.
Walk the walk, forget the talk and learn from your mistakes.
For it is through our failures that we launch to great success.
Follow a leader or lead the followers.
Either way, get moving. Now.
Have a goal, make a plan, and just do it.
Expand your horizons, look beyond what's in front of you. Explore.
Think big and start small.
Don't start what you don't believe in...
But finish what you start.
Always stay the course.
Listen and hear… don't just do one or the other.
Think of your students first, and always be true to the cause.
Walk the Path, and Light the Way.
Share your ideas with every student you meet.
Shake their hand, look them in the eye, and remember it for life.
Remember that…
Wiping your hands clean is a good thing
As long as it isn't with someone else's blood, sweat and tears.
But don't be afraid to dig deep within yourself.
After all,
You have nothing to lose...
Except your fear.
Only everything,
Everything… to gain.

Why do I teach?

Why would I do anything else...


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